What is a herniated disc?
The spinal column is composed of twenty-four vertebrae stacked one on top of the other. These vertebrae articulate to allow movement of the spine while preserving the spinal cord. Between each vertebra, flexible discs absorb shocks and smooth the junction.
A herniated disc occurs when advanced degeneration of these discs causes one of them to overflow. Composed of a central nucleus called nucleus pulposus, this nucleus contains tens of thousands of cells that form a soft part. All around, the annulus fibrosus forms a flexible yet solid covering to protect the nucleus.
When this cracks, the central part of the disc emerges from its capsule and comes compress adjacent nerves surrounding the spinal cord. This pressure not only causes severe pain, but can also damage the nerve root.

Why do people suffer from herniated discs?
There can be many causes of disc herniation, and natural aging is obviously a major factor in disc wear. but he's not the only one.
Repeated activities that place significant stress on the spine can lead to spinal injuries. micro-lesions on the discs. The accumulation of these disturbances can lead to a herniated disc.
The prolonged sitting is unnatural for the body and leads to disorders. Driving in general is a regular source of back pain. The position of the spine, coupled with the vibrations of the road and the engine, exert a pressure that is less visible but just as serious in its consequences.
Finally, certain pathologies such as osteoarthritisA herniated disc can be the result of an accident, a severe shock or being overweight.

What are the symptoms of a herniated lumbar disc?
Pain is obviously the first symptom, but herniated discs are not always painful. In fact, the degeneration of the discs does not no systematic pressure on the nerves. The main symptoms are as follows:

- Lower back pain that radiates down the leg or foot
- Numbness and/or tingling in the leg or foot
- Paralysis of the thigh or leg may sometimes be observed.
- In the most extreme cases, the spinal cord is directly impacted, causing paralysis of the anal and urinary sphincters, or of the limbs.
Whatever the symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible as soon as the first signs of trouble appear.
Relieve muscle, ligament and joint disorders with STIMCARE
Simply apply the patch by following our tutorial videos, available in French only. here to guide you every step of the way.
If you have any questions about how to apply the patch, send your request to sante@stimcareonline.com. A therapist trained and certified to apply STIMCARE patches will take the time to answer your questions.

How can I relieve lower back problems?
If degeneration of the spinal discs is difficult to control, there are natural and effective solutions for soothe pain and relieve disturbances in the lower backHere are just a few examples:
- Applying heat and cold alternating on the painful area helps reduce muscle tension and relieve pain.
- Physical therapy : massage and stretching sessions combined with specific exercises can release tension and relieve discomfort in the lower back.
- Wintergreen essential oil Known for its ability to relieve joint and muscle pain, Wintergreen essential oil is highly effective in the fight against lower back pain. Applied by massaging into the painful area, it soothes disturbances linked to herniated discs.
- STIMCARE patches are covered with a membrane of carefully selected natural mineral oxides that reflect the infrared rays emitted by the body like a mirror. Concentrated under the patch, they stimulate blood microcirculation, release accumulated toxins and promote muscle relaxation. Patches are applied to key points and work for 3 to 5 days for lasting relief.
Two different tutorials are available to help you apply your patches according to the location of your lower back pain:
- Tuto N°1 : " Relieve discomfort in the lumbar region (Barre in the back) "
- Tuto N°2 : "Relieve discomfort in the lumbar region (tingling)".
A herniated disc is a painful condition that has a major impact on daily life. STIMCARE patches provide effective pain relief in a natural, long-lasting way.