Meniscus injuries, how to relieve them

In the complex knee joint, the menisci play an essential role. They cushion the impact of running or jumping, and stabilize the knee by distributing body weight evenly.

These two crescent-shaped discs of cartilaginous tissue form the junction between the femur and the tibia. The pressure exerted on the menisci is relatively intense, and it is not uncommon for some people to experience premature wear and sometimes even damage.

Depending on the type of injury, surgery is not always necessary. Today, there are natural and effective solutions to relieve meniscus and restore normal activity. Here's how.

Article summary

What is the meniscus?

The knee joint connects the thigh bone, the femur, to the tibia and patella. The joint contact surface is not optimal, since the head of the femur is rounded, while that of the tibia is rather flat. MenisciThe crescent-shaped discs bridge these structural differences. The two tissue composed of fibrocartilage allow the load to be distributed over the entire joint and are as follows:

  • Visit lateral meniscus : also known as the external meniscus, it is disc-shaped and fairly thick
  • Visit medial meniscus Also known as the internal meniscus, it is thinner and crescent-shaped.

The menisci are attached to the joint capsule, but remain mobile. With the cruciate and lateral knee ligaments, menisci ensure knee stabilityThey cushion shocks and promote fluidity of movement.

What are the most common meniscus injuries in athletes?

Visit knee injuries are commonplace among athletes. Whatever the activity, the joint is always under extreme stress.

There are different types of meniscus injuries whose management varies according to the injury, activity and age of the patient. A bad fall, extreme stress on the joint or poor positioning can result in severe pain localized between the femur and the tibia.

It is present on palpation and becomes more intense with movement, complete squatting is difficult or impossible and the shows that the knee is locked. Edema may occur, due to synovial effusion in the joint.

This type of meniscus injury is mainly seen in athletes:

  • frayed appearance: repeated micro-trauma can cause the so-called chamois appearance with frayed free edge
  • a crack: meniscus tears can be caused by a sprain or a simple squat
  • disinsertion: often linked to cruciate ligament damage, meniscal disinsertion is generally associated with knee sprains
  • a tear: meniscal tears are often the cause of violent rotation of the bent knee
  • a bucket-handle fracture: this sudden tear is caused by violent trauma and results in a full-length tear

Whatever the type of lesion, it's essential to consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear.

What are the risk factors for meniscus damage?

Visit trauma such as knee torsion or abnormal flexion, are often the cause of meniscus damage. Sometimes, however, a simple crouched position prolonged use with sudden lifting causes injury. Wear and tear is an aggravating factor, and repeated micro-traumas throughout life lead to degenerative lesions. Finally, a malformation of the genu varum or genu valgum type favours the appearance of disturbances.

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Simply apply the patch by following our tutorial videos, available in French only. here to guide you every step of the way.

If you have any questions about how to apply the patch, send your request to A therapist trained and certified to apply STIMCARE patches will take the time to answer your questions.

How can I naturally relieve an injured meniscus?

Depending on the patient's age, activity or history, surgery is not always indicated. Some injuries can be managed more naturally, and here are a few examples of effective pain relief for meniscus injuries:

●      Hapagophytum

Also known as devil's claw, this medicinal plant native to South Africa is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

● Physiotherapy

Personalized exercises and ongoing rehabilitation help strengthen the muscles and promote joint stability.

● STIMCARE patches

The natural composition of the patches is based on eNOsyntex technology, which acts effectively on the damaged area. Composed of natural mineral oxides, the patches reflect the infrared rays emitted by the body like a mirror. This concentration stimulates micro-circulation and improves oxygen supply. Accumulated toxins are drained, tissue reconstruction is promoted and pain is soothed. The patches promote recovery.

Damage to the meniscus can occur after an accident. trauma or poor movement. Visit STIMCARE patches help you to effectively relieve pain and promote healing of damaged tissue. The good news is that you can also use them after surgery! Non-transdermal, the patches work naturally to enhance tissue regeneration.

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