Why do people get sick on public transport?
Do you know why you suffer from motion sickness? Why do you feel nauseous every time you travel for more than a few minutes? If you stop and think about it, it's pretty obvious. When you walk, your eyes and body send the same message. It's all happening in the inner ear, in the vestibular system. This sensory organ manages balanceThe brain receives information from the body's movements and transmits it to the nervous system. At the same time, the brain also receives the message delivered by the eyes. The person moves, the brain sees and feels it, the message is coherent.
However, when it comes to transport, whether by train, car, plane or boat, the brain is faced with a conflict of information. While the eyes signal movement and vibrations are felt, the body does not move. The messages sent are not coherent, the body is unable to adapt to movement. The effects felt are similar to those caused by intoxication, so the brain reacts as if faced with a poison, in what is known as kinetosis.
That's why transportation can be so complicated for some people.

What are the symptoms of motion sickness?
Perceived incoherence in the face of this sensory conflict pushes the brain to defend itself. It therefore triggers the response it would for food poisoning.
Here are the main symptoms caused by seasickness, motion sickness or airsickness:
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Malaise
- Cold Sweats
- Pallor
- Dizziness
- Hyperventilation
- Headaches
- Vomiting
All these symptoms are directly linked to movement, so they do not represent a direct risk of complication. However, it is essential to maintain good hydrationregardless of the context. Stopping movement altogether should stop the symptoms, although they may persist for a few hours. Here again, the priority is to avoid dehydration.
In the case of a sea trip, the body gets used to the swell after a few days. To avoid losing precious vacation days, you can also choose natural solutions for motion sickness.
Simply apply the patch by following our tutorial videos, available in French only. here to guide you every step of the way.
If you have any questions about how to apply the patch, send your request to sante@stimcareonline.com. A therapist trained and certified to apply STIMCARE patches will take the time to answer your questions.

Relieve motion sickness naturally
If you know that you are generally sensitive and may suffer from motion sickness, here are a few alternatives to help you travel with peace of mind:
Herbal medicine
- Ginger : its invigorating properties on the digestive system are well proven. A few drops of essential oil on a tissue or sugar can soothe your stomach during transport.
- Peppermint: Once again, this plant has proven its effectiveness in soothing travel-related discomfort. Its fresh, pleasant scent is highly effective in combating the headaches and discomfort caused by travel.
STIMCARE patches
Both preventive and curative, STIMCARE patches allow you to rediscover the pleasure of travel without nausea or discomfort. Placed on precise acupuncture points, which are those of the orthosympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, the patches help to regulate the nervous system and restore optimal comfort during transport. A simple, natural and effective solution to seasickness, airsickness and motion sickness.

Now you can get back on the road without having to worry about the journey. Whether you're planning a cruise, a first flight or a week-long road trip, you'll have no trouble at all, so bon voyage!