What is low back pain?
A sharp pain right in the spine, difficulty standing up straight, difficulty sitting down, even more difficulty standing up, in short, low back pain can quickly become very uncomfortable on a daily basis.
To relieve this suffering, it's important to understand its origin. Pain in the lower back is often caused by linked to the lumbar vertebraeHence the name lumbago. Highly active, this part of the spine supports the entire upper body and is subject to numerous stresses. The cause is therefore mechanical, and there is no specific pathology directly linked to it.
Common" low back pain can evolve in 3 phases:
- acute low back pain : intense pain lasting about 7 days
- chronic low back pain : the pain is progressive and has lasted for more than 3 months
- recurrent low back pain : It is characterized by more or less regular peaks of acute pain, sometimes lasting several years.

Why can your work cause back pain?
Back pain is regularly linked to professional activity, low back pain accounts for 20 % of workplace accidents. Some industries are notorious for not sparing their employees' days.
In catering, for example, 73 % of servers said they had suffered from lower back pain. Carrying heavy loads, prolonged postures, repetitive movements and traumas can all lead to musculoskeletal disorders such as low back pain.
To combat this scourge, in 2018 Assurance Maladie launched a prevention campaign to raise employer awareness. This necessary awareness doesn't take away from the real problem: how to work pain-free?
Relieve joint pain with STIMCARE patches
Simply apply the patch by following our tutorial videos, available in French only. here to guide you every step of the way.
If you have any questions about how to apply the patch, send your request to sante@stimcareonline.com. A therapist trained and certified to apply STIMCARE patches will take the time to answer your questions.

How can you relieve pain at work?
You can hear it everywhere, when your back hurts, you need to move. And yet, when you're in constant pain, you don't want to come to the area that's suffering. So what can you do to break out of this vicious circle and regain balance in your daily life?
Start by consulting your doctor, who will most likely advise you to make an appointment with a physiotherapist or osteopath in order to reduce muscular tension. At home, you can also perform a number of stretching exercises to tone and relax your back.
In parallel, using STIMCARE patches will provide rapid pain relief. Apply two patches on either side of the spine to release muscular tension and stimulate blood microcirculation. STIMCARE patches reflect the infrared rays emitted by the body during inflammation, like a mirror. This concentration promotes muscle relaxation and reduces pain quickly and durably.
Working life can sometimes be the cause of back pain, but back pain is not inevitable. To ease your return to active life, STIMCARE patches act both curatively and preventively. You'll regain your comfort and, above all, your independence over the long term.