Relieving back pain during menstruation

The menstrual cycle is a completely natural physical phenomenon. However, this period is not always experienced in the same way by every woman. While some barely feel the difference, others wring their hands in pain without really finding a way to soothe it. Headaches, nausea - the symptoms are manifold, and the treatments on offer are rarely effective. Back pain, for example, affects many women before and during their periods.

To treat these sometimes severe back pains, we often propose the same classics: hot showers and baths, sofa and hot water bottle, paracetamol, etc.

What if, for once, we offered you something different, a real, natural and above all effective solution to soothe back pain during menstruation? Here's the lowdown.

Article summary

Suffering during menstruation, a common ailment

All you have to do is open a forum to understand the situation. On the surface, nothing seems to be happening, but if you look hard enough, you'll discover a multitude of testimonials.

Young or old, with or without children, they have already asked their doctor for adviceThey've seen specialists and undergone a whole battery of tests, but nothing helps: they suffer. They are between 1 and 2 million women in pain and sometimes very intense each month, it's hard to speak of an "isolated case".

Why does my back hurt during my period?

Lower back pain is quite common around the time of your period, but where does it come from? You'd expect a stomach ache, maybe even a swollen chest, but not necessarily lower back pain. Yet many women testify to this discomfort during their menstrual cycle.

At the start of the cycle, the ovary produces an egg which travels down the Fallopian tube. If fertilization occurs, the egg will nestle in the uterine lining, also known as the endometrium. If fertilization does not occur, the ovum disintegrates and the endometrium begins to detach and discharge through the vagina. To encourage this expulsionthe uterus will contract and irradiate the entire pelvic region. The blood vessels in this part of the body can become so pressurized that they reduce the oxygen supply to nearby muscles.

That's why you may also experience kidney pain.

Lower back pain during menstruation: should I be concerned?

As mentioned above, although they can sometimes be violent, these pains are essentially related to the evacuation of the uterine mucosa. In other words, this phenomenon, far from being pleasant, does not require any particular follow-up.

On the other hand, if the pain intensifies and you feel weak, consult your doctor.


Simply apply the patch by following our tutorial videos, available in French only. here to guide you every step of the way.

If you have any questions about how to apply the patch, send your request to A therapist trained and certified to apply STIMCARE patches will take the time to answer your questions.

How can I relieve back pain during my period?

Understanding the origin of the pain is always a first step towards relief, but it's not enough. Warm baths and hot water bottles are also useful, but again, they don't provide complete relief. However, there are a simple, natural way relieve menstrual pain.

The patch STIMCARE PERIODS has been tested and validated by health professionals. By helping to relax uterine muscles, the patch provides fast, effective relief. The mineral oxides of which it is composed reflect the infrared rays sent back by the body like a mirror. This concentration improves blood microcirculation and reduces inflammation. Your body is soothed, even during your period.

Thanks to the video tutorial for relieve back pain during menstruation, two patches on the back are indicated, above the sacrum on the L5 / S1 intervertebral space (photo opposite).

Tuto "Relieving back pain during menstruation

Lower back pain during the menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon. However, they shouldn't be ignored. STIMCARE PERIODS patches help you regain comfort and freedom of movement, even during your period!

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Aout2024 - Understand and naturally alleviate the pain associated with dysmenorrhea to return to a daily routine free of suffering during the menstrual cycle.

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